Six Fitness Trends That Can Help You Enjoy a Healthy Life

Six Fitness Trends That Can Help You Enjoy a Healthy Life


If you are trying to lead a healthy life, you know that exercise plays a huge role in helping you achieve your goals.  Research is constantly being conducted in the field of fitness to determine which exercises are most effective.  Following are some recent trends.


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

This type of exercise tops the list as one of the most popular exercises for staying in shape.  HIIT is a type of exercise that takes you through brief periods of high and low intensity.  The idea is to allow the body to recover before getting it back up to working hard for the next interval.

Because HIIT can be pretty rigorous, total workout times usually do not exceed 30 minutes, and it is advised that these workouts are not done every day.


Bodyweight Training 

Here there is no equipment necessary; your body is its own weight training tool.  Exercises that are key in body training include push ups, squats, planks, and lunges.



Yoga has long been on the top of the charts when it comes to fitness trends, and this year is no exception.  Gaining in popularity, there are now a variety of styles to choose from including Iyengar yoga, power yoga, Bikram yoga, goat yoga, and more.  People love yoga because it helps manage stress and increases mental clarity, while increasing flexibility, balance, muscle strength, and endurance.


Strength Training

Strength training uses muscular contraction to build strength and endurance.  Self.comhas this to say about strength training exercise, “[s]trength training helps prevent the age related decline of muscle mass, keeps your bones and heart healthy and helps prevent pain and injury in everyday life.”


Wearable Technology

Wearable technology can give you valuable insight as to how many calories you’re burning while estimating your steps, calculating workout time, and more.  This type of technology will be going beyond Fitbits and Apple watches to include the Motiv Ring,which can track technology via your finger, and Nadi X Yoga Pants,which will deliver vibrational feedback to promote good form and alignment.


Personal Trainers 

Although fitness buffs have been seeking the advice of personal trainers for years, there is now an increased emphasis on the certifications of the trainers.  With more of an interest in the regulation of the industry, people are looking for trainers who know their stuff and can educate their clients on what’s safe and effective.


While exercise is an important part of leading a healthy life, your fitness efforts won’t be nearly as effective without a healthy diet.  But, as you know, buying fitness equipment, joining gyms, and purchasing natural and organic food can all make an impressive dent in our wallets.  So, what is one to do?

Well, when it comes to buying healthy foods, Makeena can help.

Makeena is a free app that offers cash back incentives and rewards every time you buy a participating product.  Simply browse the app for items you are interested in buying and after you purchase a product or two or ten, scan the UPC and submit your receipt through the app.  Once your Makeena account reaches $20, you can request to cash out through Venmo or Paypal.


You can learn more about Makeena at the following links:

You can also download Makeena here.

There is always new research that educates us on the best ways to live a healthy life.  In the fitness world, it is a good idea to keep on top of these trends to learn about effective ways to exercise and stay fit.  Exercise provides many health benefits that can increase longevity and improve your quality of life, so you should feel encouraged to find the method that works best for you.

health, fitness


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