While we all love the holiday season, the last few weeks of the year are filled with holiday stress. 2020 is sure to find each of us even more anxious and tense than years past. As we navigate virtual gatherings, Zoom family meals, and remote gift exchanges, all while struggling with the emotional impact of travel restrictions; it is more important than ever to take time to de-stress and relax.
5 Easy Ways to Combat Holiday Stress: De-Stress the Makeena Way
Here are five easy ways you can bring some peace and balance back into your life through the end of the year and beyond!
There are many benefits to adding a regular meditation practice into your daily routine. The best part is that no equipment or special preparation is required to start. As a matter of fact, the regular practice of meditation has been shown to reduce stress, control anxiety, lengthen attention span, and improve sleep. Those are just a few of the benefits that can be reaped from this easy-to-implement daily practice.
Moments of gratitude
Combat stress by kicking off your day with a positive mindset. Bring the daily habit of practicing gratitude into your morning routine by keeping a journal each day where you write down what you are most grateful for. It is always easier to attack a full day of work once your mind and spirit are happy and content.
Take a walk
Spend at least 20 minutes each day stretching your legs and going for a brisk walk. Not only is it good exercise, you’ll be surprised how this will help you clear your mind and energize you to get focused on the task at hand. We love to take a short walk first thing in the morning, and then mid-day to serve as a little afternoon boost. Besides, aren’t we all trying to hit our 10,000 steps anyway?
Sip some tea
There is something that just feels good and calming about sipping a cup of tea. Science tells us that we really are doing our bodies good at the same time! Studies have shown tea drinkers to recover more quickly from a stressful task after consumption. And, we also know that teas–especially Green tea–is full of antioxidants which have many other health benefits. So, why not sit back and enjoy?
There is a reason they say laughter is the best medicine. Laughter actually causes a series of physiological reactions in your body that result in endorphins being released in your body and your overall stress levels to decrease. Did you know that there is such a thing as Laughter Yoga? Now, that’s what we consider the perfect way to de-stress and have fun at the same time.
No matter what your methods are for combatting holiday stress and beyond, remember to enjoy time with your family and friends. And most importantly, take time to care for yourself.