Five Reasons Why Greens are Vital for Good Nutrition

Five Reasons Why Greens are Vital for Good Nutrition


Greens may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s a reason why they keep showing up on our dinner table time and time again.  Greens are high in nutrition, making them a necessary part of our diet.  Read on to find out how eating “green” can keep you healthy.

Great Source of Antioxidants

Vitamins A, C, and E are all rich in antioxidants, as are nutrients like iron and zinc.  Guess what’s packed with these vitamins and nutrients?  That’s right….greens! recommends eating at least three servings of veggies a day, like spinach and broccoli, that can provide you with the nutrition you need to help your body fight viruses.

Low in Calories

Because greens tend to be made up of a large amount of water, they are low in calories.  You can eat as many of them as you want without worrying about gaining weight.  Add them to your favorite meals to increase your meals’ nutritional value while keeping the calories you consume at a minimum.

Great Source of Phytonutrients

Phytonutrients are special chemicals that can help boost your immune system and protect against cellular damage.  To get the optimal amount of phytonutrients, eat plenty of greens and switch them up each day.

Almost Carb Free

Carbohydrate is a word that often has negative connotations, but the truth is that certain carbohydrates are essential to maintaining good nutrition.  Complex carbohydrates are the kinds of carbohydrates found in greens.  Because they are rich in fiber, they help you feel fuller for longer amounts of time.  The EatGreensEveryDay blog has this to say, “Fiber tends to stick around in your digestive system longer, keeping you fuller” and as such, you are less likely to overeat.  The fiber in greens also helps to detoxify the body and maintain regular bowel movement.

Low Glucose Levels

Even if you’re not on a low glucose diet, it is important to control blood sugar levels.  Processed foods can cause glucose levels to rise and then come crashing back down, which is not healthy for your system and can even cause diabetes.  Greens are never processed, and they are low in sugar, water, and fiber, which can help to regulate blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Greens are also generally inexpensive to purchase, but costs can increase if you are looking to buy organic.  And let’s face it, eating healthy can be costly.

So how do we maintain good nutrition without taxing our wallets?  Makeena can help.

Use Makeena’s app to browse its selection of healthy and organic products.  Add the ones you are interested in purchasing to your virtual shopping list.  Once you make a purchase, scan your UPC and submit your proof of purchase through the app to begin earning cash back incentives and rewards.  Once rewards add up to $20, you can cash out using Venmo or Paypal.  The app is completely free and you can learn more about it at the following links:

Healthy eating can help you maintain great nutrition and greens are a necessary part of a good diet.  Low in calories and high in vitamins and nutrients, greens can provide you with longevity and a better quality of life.  Be creative in finding ways to add them to your diet!


health, greens, Organic


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