Meet makeena!

Meet makeena!

MAK140012_Prezi_Woman1So, you’re heading to the store later. If you’re anything like the rest of us, then you probably have a pretty set routine when you hit the aisles. You know what you and your family like to eat and your shopping list probably looks about the same every week – depending on what you are out of.

You want to buy great things for you and your family but searching for new products to buy can be tough; not to mention time consuming! Additionally, you don’t want to gamble on whether or not your family is going to like your shopping experiments – the LAST thing you want to do is throw money down the drain.

Let’s welcome makeena to the situation you’re facing and see how she can help you out. Makeena is a mobile application that lives on your iPhone. She can help you find new brands to try that your family will love. You input your preferences and makeena pairs you with brands that match your unique lifestyle. Worried about ponying up to try something new? Not a problem with makeena. She delivers you offers from the brand straight to your phone to save you money. Makeena can even help you determine which stores nearby have the brands you want to try to take all of the guesswork out of it.

Look, we’re all trying to shop more healthy and sustainable and make smarter decisions for our families. Check out makeena and make your life a little easier. makeena – connecting brands and shoppers for good.

Check us out:

iPhone app, Makeena, buy healthy, save money, buy sustainable, cash rebates


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