4 Ways to Celebrate Animal Rights Awareness Week

4 Ways to Celebrate Animal Rights Awareness Week

Is there anything more rewarding than knowing you’re making a difference? For vegans and animal lovers, that’s exactly how we feel every day. But there’s one week each year when we all come together to celebrate our love for animals and raise awareness for their rights: Animal Rights Awareness Week! It’s from June 20th to the 26th, and was first celebrated in 1991 by the In Defense of Animals organization. Here are four ways you can join in on the fun.

Consider Going Vegan (Plant-based) or Vegetarian

Each year, Animal Rights Awareness Week provides an opportunity for people to learn about the many benefits of veganism and vegetarianism. For animals, a plant-based diet means freedom from cruel and inhumane treatment. Did you know that every 60 seconds, 1 animal suffers abuse? 

In addition, veganism and vegetarianism help to protect the planet by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving valuable resources such as water and land. Specifically, meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gasses from food production.

For people, a vegan or vegetarian diet can improve health by reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It can also help boost energy levels and promote weight loss. Best of all, it’s easy to get started – there are plenty of delicious recipes available online and in cookbooks. We love Plant Over Processed by Andrea Hanneman! So why not give veganism or vegetarianism a try this Animal Rights Awareness Week? You might be surprised at how good it feels to do something good for yourself, for animals, and for the planet. 

It can be daunting to start a new diet or lifestyle, but don’t panic. To start, check out one of our recent blogs, where we shared 6 steps to move toward a plant-based diet in 2022.

Shop Cruelty-Free

Every year, animals suffer and die in the name of fashion. In fur farms across the globe, minks and foxes are crammed into tiny cages before being killed for their fur. In the leather industry, cows and buffalo are routinely subjected to brutal treatment before being slaughtered for their skin. Even down to the smallest accessory, animals are commonly used for their fur or feathers. In fact, each year, around 100 million animals are bred and killed on fur farms. But there is hope. Every year during Animal Rights Awareness Week, people across the world make a pledge to shop cruelty-free. By choosing clothing and accessories made from synthetic materials instead of animal skin, we can help to put an end to this needless suffering. So this Animal Rights Awareness Week, let’s all make a commitment to shopping cruelty-free and standing up for the rights of animals everywhere.

Did you know that, by using the Makeena app, you can purchase from brands who care about people, animals, and the planet and get rewarded for doing so? On our website, you can even “Search by Attribute” and choose the “Cruelty-Free” tag to find your new favorite brand that loves animals just like you.

Educate Yourself About Animal Rights

Animal Rights Awareness Week gives us an opportunity to reflect on the progress we’ve made in promoting animal rights. But, it also sets our sights on the work that still needs to be done. This year, let’s take the time to educate ourselves about animal rights and how we can help make a difference. For too long, animals have been treated as property and commodities, with little regard for their welfare. But as public awareness of animal cruelty has grown, so too has the movement for animal rights. Today, there are laws in place to protect animals from abuse, and more and more people are taking a stand against cruelty. But there is still much work to be done. We need to continue to raise awareness about the plight of animals and call for stronger laws and enforcement of existing laws. We need to educate people about the humane treatment of animals and encourage them to make compassionate choices in their everyday lives. And we need to continue to fight for the day when all animals are treated with respect and compassion. Animal Rights Awareness Week is a chance for us to reaffirm our commitment to these goals. So let’s use this week to learn more about animal rights and what we can do to help make a difference.

When it comes to rights talk, the learning should never stop. Some favorite books about animal rights are We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler and Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. Documentaries that we love include Meet your Meat and What Came Before. This week is also a great time to start advocating for animal rights. One way to do so is by supporting the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Animal Bill of Rights. Be sure to sign the petition, and, while you’re at it, browse legislation protecting animals such as Goldie’s Act.

Consider Adoption

What better way to celebrate Animal Rights Awareness Week than by considering adoption an animal? Adopting is one of the most important things you can do to help protect their rights. Not only does it provide a home for an animal in need, but it also helps to free up shelter space so that more animals can be helped. Did you know that each year, approximately 920,000 shelter animals are euthanized? You can reduce that number by adopting an animal, or by educating your friends and family about its importance. Furthermore, adoptions help to raise awareness about the plight of animals and the importance of their rights. To get started, visit the ASPCA to locate animal adoption options near you. 

If you’re not ready to take the plunge, you may want to consider fostering an animal. By providing an animal with a temporary home, you’re offering a loving, restful, and healing retreat. All that’s required is a love of animals and a willingness to learn. For more information, check out PetFinder’s “Fostering Dogs” center on their website.

Animal Rights Awareness Week may be coming to a close, but we should recognize it all year. In fact, we hope you’ll continue to focus on the above long after this week. With your help, we can create a world where all animals are treated with the respect they deserve. Thank you for being an advocate for animals!

Animal Rights, Animal Rights Awareness Week, Animal Justice, Makeena


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